Discourse Central Theme — Meta Pre-Release Out Now!

Hi everyone, progress is being made! I’ve enabled the Central theme here as a user option on Meta if you want to give it a spin… you can select your theme from the bottom of the sidebar nav, or from https://meta.discourse.org/my/preferences/interface

The github repo is also public now at: GitHub - discourse/discourse-central-theme: CENTRAL

There are still some minor known issues with the theme, but we’re working on it! At the moment you should use it with the site setting desktop category page style set to categories with featured topics


Am I missing something here? I’m sure this used to have a dark mode. :thinking:


I think for someone like me that’s here all the time the right panel is a huge waste of space, but I think for most people on most forums it’s probably pretty great!

Are keyboard shortcuts off on purpose? I can’t get j or k to work in /new. But gu and gn work.

The ? shortcut does work, but it’s almost unreadable because the text is too dark.

Maybe because I usually have a dark theme?

I guess you want these to be different:


But I do like having the dismiss at top and bottom.

Maybe we’re getting something like half-dark mode.

The :heart: is so very subtle that I couldn’t tell that I’d clicked it. After about 4 times I finally figured it out.

The red one almost calls out to be clicked more than the grey one, which looks a little like “don’t click this–it’s grayed out”.


Well… I know who I am. if I want to check out top-topics, that I’ve red already, I can open it from menu. And I’m not totally happy when stub sidebar eats so much space.

I know that everything isn’t for everybody, but sometimes I just don’t get it.


Yeah, unfortunately, the half-dark mode doesn’t do it for me.

I like to have full width on either dark or light. I tried to play around with the preferences in both my forum and here in Meta, but I couldn’t get it to set.

White just throws me off, as I’m used to it elsewhere now.

Currently using the “Fully” theme.


I can’t see the LOGO here, do I need to set it up again?


It turns out that the svg format is not supported


Yeah it was being overridden with some custom colors, I’ve just made an update that removes this so it works again.

I think this issue should be fixed by the above update as well, there was a custom logo override that I removed


I can confirm that this is now working. Thank you.

I will need to play around with the settings to adjust the fitting that you mentioned above. As on an Android phone, some parts seem to be cut off or are extra large.

But I’m grateful for the “Darkness” :sunglasses::ghost:


I think that the keyboard shortcuts do work (it seems very strange that they wouldn’t) but it’s impossible to see that a post is selected when moving up and down with j or k. This seems to be the case both in light and the now-working dark mode.

Wait. Now I see a blue line indicating the selected post. Yes. I see the post is selected, but do not see that a topic is selected if using j/k in a topic-list.


Is there a dark version of this theme?

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Couple things:

  • The “show more” link on the leaderboard block goes to a leaderboard with id of 7, but we don’t have a leaderboard with id of 7. Is there anyway to change this block to point to a different leaderboard? /leaderboard/7&period=quarterly

  • This may be a more general issue, but the AI bot icon doesn’t show in header on this theme even when the setting to show it in header is enabled. Is this an easy fix?


Looks great on desktop… please scrap this mobile view though! I came here and was instantly super confused and it felt like relearning how to navigate just to swap my theme back :sob:


Is there a little accessibility issue here? The information at the top of topic seems a bit too light, even for unimportant text.


Using Firefox in Fedora, the default font is DejaVu Sans, even though my browser’s sans-serif font is set to Inter Variable.


I think this is expected… the theme uses sets system-ui as the font, and DejaVu Sans is Fedora’s system font


I’d prefer the theme to use the browser’s font—which I can at least control—rather than the OS’s system font.



Bottom line: never, ever use system-ui as the value of the font-family CSS property or part of it. At least never use it before any reference to Segoe UI.

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That blog post is 7+ years old :skull::wink:

https://modernfontstacks.com/ shows how system font stacks will render on a device.


The point made by @lurkest is still exactly the same— DejaVu Sans is the system font used by Fedora, but that is not configurable.

If you don’t want users to have to configure their operating system settings to change the font on your theme, you need to change it. Currently you are taking away the user’s ability to choose this in their browser’s settings:

If that’s your call, so be it. Using the family sans-serif instead of system-ui will result in the same performance, but it gives the user choice. The fundamental issue in that article applies.