Discourse Central Theme — Meta Pre-Release Out Now!

I noticed multiple color schemes labeled Central Dark and Central Light. Is this intentional?



Really nice, when will this theme be open-sourced?


Is there any update on the progress made in making this theme available? :smiley:


Update here?

I really like this theme!

There is a problem here.


I notice the same problem here

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EDIT: Am stupid. I thought it was for any site to use, not the selector directly on this site, lol…Ignore all of the below:

Am I stupid, blind, or both? I can’t figure out where this theme is at to even try it. I installed the sidebar theme selector component and the only things there are my 2 themes that I have enabled for people to use. I don’t see a GitHub for this theme and I don’t see it on the Install menu under Themes.

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I ve searched too, but I understood that this theme you can only use here, not yet a GitHub, or?

That’s correct. I can only test here on Meta. I believe the owner has other projects in the pipeline.

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Is this theme available outside of meta? I can’t seem to find it except here

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Not at the current time, no. I believe that @carson had plans to release publicly but it’s not a current priority, sorry!


It’s a beautiful theme. Thanks for the update

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I really like this theme as well. Can’t wait for it to become available to install on our own sites. This theme is awesome.


Trying this out again, I also have the duplicate user icon problem (where the left one opens the new, cleaned up menu, and the right one opens the traditional user menu).
I also noticed that the sub-categories seems to be gone from the list - was this an intentional change or are they broken because of the category lazy loading?

But all in all, I still feel this theme has a lot of potential. So just like the others, I would love to see it finished and released for everybody :slightly_smiling_face:


There is no more duplicate icon. I see now one icon :grinning:


Yes, can confirm.

It does look a bit strange now, though, since the notification bell is to the right of the user menu/avatar.


I realised that these blocks might be part of the Right Sidebar Blocks theme component, so I commented about this over on that topic:

how to install it?


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