@Kartoon You’ll need to click the pencil at the top of the page, then select ‘New Topic’ from the dropdown.
Yeah, this needs to be done in a way that more people can understand it - it should say ‘new topic’ or “post” or something in plain english. If you have this issue, and I have this issue, there many people who don’t comment that have the same issue. This should be addressed. It’s the most important action on the whole of the app!
Not only that but it now adds an entire extra step to creating a topic because you have to also select what category it’s posting in which isn’t the default behavior on other skins (unless you’re at the main overview page). At least that’s what it does on my site, using it here it defaults to posting in the “Support” section regardless of which section you’re in (which is actually worse, because someone not paying attention will now post in the wrong section, and to post in the correct one it’s still an extra step).
Seems super unintuitive IMO
The theme not responsive category page