Discourse comments not visible in Wordpress

We’ve configured Wordpress to connect to Discourse for comments and when we publish a new Blog post topics are being created in the correct category.

However, we are not able to see the comments in the Wordpress site.

I’ve checked that comments are enabled and various Discourse plugin settings, which look correct.

I suspect that the custom theme we are using may be the issue, but am not sure the best way to debug. I’d appreciate any pointers.

A sample problem page is: Pilot of the Core Committers Program Launches! – Open edX

The relate discourse topic is here: Pilot of the Core Committers Program Launches! - Blog - Open edX discussions

Do you know if your theme loads the WordPress comments template? The call to load the template is used to load a Discourse comments template.

If your theme isn’t loading the comments template, there’s a workaround that can be used to display the comments: https://meta.discourse.org/t/wp-discourse-plugin-tips-and-tricks/50757#display-comments-without-loading-the-wordpress-comments-template.