Discourse Forum is Down. Strange Error Message

Hello Support Group,

My forum went down about 6 hours ago, and the error message is strange. I’m not even sure where to start… They call it “Error Message 500.”

The software powering this discussion forum encountered an unexpected problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Detailed information about the error was logged, and an automatic notification generated. We’ll take a look at it.

No further action is necessary. However, if the error condition persists, you can provide additional detail, including steps to reproduce the error, by posting a discussion topic in the site’s feedback category."


Is anyone able to help?

Thank you

See this:

TL;DR: Do a container rebuild with ./launcher rebuild app in your installation folder.


Though adapt it for your two-container setup in the normal way @WesPenre.


Thank you, Sutterseba and Jammy. I’m on it right now and will post here how it’s going…

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Thanx a lot, guys and gals! It’s working now :grin:


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