Discourse hamburger tags

This is a theme component that will allow you to add tags to the hamburger menu easily.

The component comes with three display options.


Nested tag groups

Nested allowed category tags

Flat top tags (across the site)


The component comes with seven settings.

The hamburger_menu_tags_mode allows you to set the view mode you prefer.

top tags:
shows a flat list of the top tags used on the site

tag groups:
shows a nested list of tag groups and their child tags

allowed category tags:
shows a list of allowed tags nested under each category. I recommend keeping those to sane values.

From there, there are mode-specific settings that allow you to control how many sections/tags to show for the different modes.

There’s also a setting that lets you hide the default hamburger categories section (default off)

The theme will respect the styles for categories/tags set in your site settings.

If you select nested allowed category tags, the links for these tags will take to topics in that category that are tagged with that tag.

All the sections add a full-width link to the /tags page before the subsections.

allowed_category_tags and top_tags have no API overhead - so no additional requests. Nested_tag_groups does require one request to a .json file. The request only fires once per user per session (on the homepage or whatever page they land on)

No preview on theme creator because it doesn’t have that many tags.