Discourse Hub - swipe-back is awesome!

Just discovered that, on Android, you can swipe back from the forum view back to the list of forums.

That is so awesome. :1st_place_medal:

So you can swipe back from a Topic to go to the Topic List of a forum, then up again to the list of sites with another swipe-back. :rocket:

Read it and weep iOSers :wink:


Swiping to go back/forward also works on the iOS app.


It does?! I tested this and had to fall back to the down chevron on the bottom bar … I’ll check again - did I have an old version of the app?

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I should clarify, not to go back to the list of forums. But while you’re in a forum, it navigates that forum’s history, all the way up to the first opened page.


Oh meh, yes, was aware of that … no that’s just very good, but not awesome.

The Android app goes the whole way, and that is awesome… :robot: :muscle:

appreciate you are working within Apple constraints

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That would be horrible. I don’t want to browse history all the way back to forums, specially when I came in from clicking new.

Now I understand why those bot-owners are so jumpy — they never know where they are going and what destination will be :rofl:

(I’m using swiping all the time on i-devices)