Discourse Search bar broken in version 3.4.0.beta2-dev?

I am using version 3.4.0.beta2-dev but I don’t understand why the Search part has an error. The website has the title of that article but searching for that title still cannot be found in the Search bar of version 3.4.0.beta2-dev.

In previous versions, this error did not occur, the search was quite accurate when typing the title into the search bar.

I hope it will be fixed in the next version of Discourse.

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It works here and on my own. Could this be language dependent :thinking:


I use it for Vietnamese language (I attach the image so you can see this problem)

Does it work on safe mode?

It not, it can be a language issue. For obvious reason my forum isn’t vietnamise :smirk: so I can’t test it.

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I just tried again in Safe-mode but it’s still the same.

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Can you check if someone toggled the search_ignore_accents setting recently? Also, when was your last deploy with this search query working properly?

I tested a few recent changes to search, but I don’t see any regressions in recent changes.


Thanks, let me go to this section and check again.

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