Celebrating a Decade of Discourse

Happy Anniversary to us! On August 26, 2014, we released Discourse v1.0 and introduced hosting services. We have been full throttle ever since. Now that we’ve hit this milestone we’re taking a look back to see how far we’ve come. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.discourse.org/2024/08/celebrating-a-decade-of-discourse

Nice work Team. So happy to be a part of the ride and the legacy. Thanks to everyone who uses Discourse and contributes to our software and the communities it builds. :purple_heart: :discourse:


Oh wow! I’ve read some blogs over this and that and the success of Discourse in the past but those are some amazing stats! :star_struck:

I first encountered Discourse as a regular user around mid 2018 (which would have been around V2.0 ish) and I’ve never looked back since. So for around 6 years (definitely not as long as others) I’ve watched Discourse grow into what it is today! So I definitely I second what Lilly said above, thanks Team for the continuous development of Discourse. :heart: :discourse: I just checked and I’m surprised I’ve been here 5 years already :smiley:

I’m still waiting for $20m to appear in my bank account one day. Can’t give up hope lol :laughing:


Congratulations to the whole Discourse team!
It feels like, after a long period of slow, but steady decline, Discourse managed to breathe some life into forums as a community platform again.


Congratulations to the whole Discourse Team and especially to the original co-founders. Reminds me of a family reunion where my mother looked around at her 11 children, their spouses & children, their spouses and children and her great-great grandchildren and said with a smile, “I started all this.” :grinning:
Great job people!


Congratulations… discourse fan since 2014 :smiley: I was there


Congrats on this amazing achievement!


Congrats! Haven’t exactly been here a long time but the time I have it’s been great and the comparison in growth has been crazy overall… heres to another 10 years! :tada:


Damn, time does fly. My first install was with some 0.x release.

Congrats! A decade is a long time in the world of tech.