Displaying Views in Topic view (with no replies)

I’m interested in displaying the number of Views on the topic view of a page (throughout the site).

Anywhere on the page that would look reasonable would be fine (consider mobile platforms though).

Might anyone provide some direction here?


It’s in the Summary?:

And if a topic has no replies, no need to navigate there in any case? Just add an excerpt and/or thumbnail to the Topic List?


Robert, thank you. My use case does in fact call for the topic to be closed just after making it, thus that bar does not show up. Furthermore, it appears that adding an excerpt or thumbnail calls for implementing a plugin. I was thinking a few lines of javascript might be the trick. Regardless, thank you.

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Ah, I see your challenge. Yes, so behaviour might require some overriding.

There are lower impact Theme Components to achieve those things:

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How to display views, replies and links under each topic?
Thank you!

The new topic map is a design-experiment

So at the moment you cannot configure that for your forum.

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