I’m trying to install Discourse but it says that the Storage Driver vfs is incompatible. But when I try to change it to aufs or overlay2, Docker does not start anymore. I’m using Debian 9.
Are you following the install cloud instructions?
How did you install Docker?
Yes. With the provided install command: wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh
What is your VPS provider?
Looks like you aren’t using a KVM VPS.
It’s https://www.mk-hosting.net I’m using a LXC VPS. But I also tried it on a KVM VPS. Same Problem.
That won’t ever work.
Was it KVM for sure?
We test Digital Ocean (KVM) VPS installs every week, and other like Amazon Lightsail and Vultr less frequently and they all work just fine when running with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
If the problem persists, I suggest switching to a different hosting service.
Yes, it was KVM. I’m trying it with Ubuntu. And Why does LXC not work?
I can’t change it. This is the Problem… When I try it Docker becomes completly unfunctional.
Well, so that hosting provider is not compatible with Discourse.
You will have to change the hosting provider: Digital Ocean, Amazon LightSail and Vultr offer European datacenters in their offerings. (or change to a different forum software)
Okay, thanks for helping me.