From 1st May 2025, Discourse will start using some modern browser features which are unavailable on iOS 15, and some other old browsers.
Discourse’s minimum supported iOS version will be updated from 15.7 to 16.7. After that, visitors using older versions of iOS will be shown a basic-html version of community content, and won’t be able to login or interact with the site.
Devices limited to iOS 15 are the iPhone 6s, iPhone SE (gen 1), iPhone 7, and iPad Mini 4. These were all released more than 9 years ago, and are no longer updated by Apple (see Unfortunately, it will not be possible to interact with Discourse on those devices going forwards.
For more recent iOS devices, the OS should be updated to iOS 16.7 or higher.
This change will also affect older versions of other browsers. The minimum Firefox version with support for these features is v128 (July 2024), and the minimum Chrome(ium) version is v119 (Oct 2023).
From today, we’ll be rolling out a warning banner for affected users, with a link to this topic.
On the technical side, the features we’ll be requiring including relative color syntax, subgrid, and lookbehind regex, all of which will enable improved experiences for Discourse users.