Edit Vote Count

On occasion, we have the need to include a total from another source, let’s say “Likes from Facebook” for a specific subject.

It would be great if it was possible to edit the current vote count. Appreciating this could look dodgy, I would expect an automated reply to be added which stated who, what and when (like that which appears when a topic is manually closed)… e.g.

“Rob Vote count set to 352.”

As an admin, I could then edit that automated reply and insert perhaps a reason, e.g. “Included likes from the Facebook post.”

I’m guessing that the votes are stored in a table somewhere against a user id also, so perhaps, a bit like the -2 user id for the discobot, a voting amendment could be stored again another fictious user?


I know this is a year old, but you can do this by editing the database directly.

From what I’ve found in my spelunking, the plugin keeps information about votes in 2 locations: the topic_custom_fields table contains the vote count for each topic, and the user_custom_fields table contains the actual record of each vote, tied to a user.

If you just edit the vote count in topic_custom_fields, the new vote count will display-- but the next time someone votes, the plugin will cross-check with the user_custom_fields records, realize the count is incorrect, and “fix” it back to before the edit.

So you have to also edit the user_custom_fields table so it agrees. Luckily, even though on the frontend you’re limited to 1 vote per topic per user, it looks like you can insert as many records as you want for 1 user into the database. So something like this:

UPDATE topic_custom_fields SET value = 3 WHERE name = 'vote_count' AND topic_id = <topic_id>;
INSERT INTO user_custom_fields VALUES ( DEFAULT,<user_id>,'votes',<topic_id>,<timestamp>,<timestamp>);
INSERT INTO user_custom_fields VALUES ( DEFAULT,<user_id>,'votes',<topic_id>,<timestamp>,<timestamp>);
INSERT INTO user_custom_fields VALUES ( DEFAULT,<user_id>,'votes',<topic_id>,<timestamp>,<timestamp>);

That way, assuming the vote_count was 0 at first, you’ve set it to 3 and given it 3 records to chew on when it goes to cross-check that number. Seems to work o-k for me, and you should be able to set the user_id to -2 or whatever you want.