Editing Mail Server

I edited the discourse.conf file to include my smtp server but the app is not sending emails for some reason. Do the parameters need a quotation mark around them here is an example of one of them.

domain passed to smtp server

smtp_domain = “smtp.mailersend.net

I need to use port 587.

How do I edit this to make sure it sends emails because the test email is not even working.

Is this a standard install?

That’s usually not a good idea.

See Troubleshooting Outgoing Email and Troubleshoot email on a new Discourse install


It is hosted here Discourse Hosting, Free Discourse Forum Hosting, Discourse Server

Then you’ll need to ask them how to fix it.


is there a way I can disable force https from the config or database now the site is just loading with a blank white screen.

Mostly discourse won’t work without https.

Like I said before, you’ll have to ask them. Since they are hosting your site, they are the ones who understand how it’s set up. Since you’re not running a standard install, we can’t guess what they might have done or what to do to fix things.

I can’t be of any help.

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