Email to Message Inbox?

Is it possible to configure Discourse so that I have an email address @ my Discourse domain which goes to my message inbox on Discourse?


Groups can be assigned email addresses to start new conversations, but not users. Discourse isn’t a replacement for a conventional mail server/client.


That’s sort of true, but gets delivered to a group.

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Sure, but is hosted at Google, not Meta. I’ve never had cause to email it, but it’s either a group which distributes mail to users, a mailbox which is accessed by multiple users, or an alias to a mailbox which is delivered by pop3 to a Discourse category or group inbox, right?

@rkaplan is asking for an email address at his discourse domain which goes to his mailbox. User mailboxes don’t support mail aliases, which is why I said that groups could have mail aliases, but not users.


Nice, I didn’t know about this feature. For others who have a hard time finding it:

  1. Enable config setting “email in” under “☰ → Admin → Settings → Email”.

  2. Go to “☰ → Admin → Groups → <choose group> → Manage → Interaction” and set “Email: Custom incoming email address”.

    (This setting is not visible before enabling “email in” in the previous step.)

If the OP wants the email to message inbox feature only for a few users (say, staff members), it will be acceptable to configure it manually for each of these users. Then, the above technique together with groups with one member only are a suitable option.

The “custom incoming email address” of each group can still be set in format “Discourse username @ my Discourse domain”.


Interestingly, this works:

  1. Create a new group admins_messaging in Discourse
  2. When incoming emails are enabled, this groups can be directly emailed on rather convoluted but still functional email address

However, trying to trick the system by sending the email to the existing admin group to this email address does not work:

Is there a way to send emails from the outside to admins or moderators groups?
If not is there a way to re-direct/forward received messages from created admin_messaging group to admins group?