"Custom incoming email address" for Groups

Hi, can someone explain what the function is of “Custom incoming email address” for Groups? I have set up email address for topic categories to allow users to post new topics via email, but what does this setting in the “Groups” settings do? :slightly_smiling: Allow you to send messages to all users of the group via email (like a mailing list? If the latter is the case, what else needs to be done to configure it properly on the Discourse side and/or mailbox side?


You might want to read this topic :wink:

TLDR: yes, it allows you to send messages to all users in that group via email :wink:


Thanks @zogstrip. Will take a look.

Did you find what that setting means?
I read through the topic linked, yet I wasn’t able to find anything related by word “custom”.

Or is it exactly this?

it allows you to send messages to all users in that group via email

Not really obvious from the name, so I added a comment in transifex to make it clearer for translators.

@meglio, you should read this more updated topic

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