How do I set up group email addresses?

Hello, I have a question. I’d like to create an email address for my forum such as, however, I know that Discourse has a feature for you to set an email address for a group, such as admins.

How would I go about setting this up? This would be convenient as I can have support emails visible inside the group mailbox for all group members. If anybody knows documentation regarding this, please forward it to me, thanks.

Not sure if this is a feature, haven’t ever seen it. Can you link it/explain it/send a post link about it?

Here you go:

Article just says to specify an email address and enable the setting, but I’m not sure if those are all the required steps.

Would this guide help?


Thanks, that solves my question. :smiley:


Wow, never heard of this before/never used it - very useful - thanks for your help!

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Whoa; that’s a neat trick to keep in mind-thank you-I found the guide you linked very helpful

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