Embedded Links of my Discourse not showing up when links shared on discord

Embedded Links of my Discourse not showing up when links shared on discord

can anyone point me in the right path?

Maybe for the same reason why it doesn’t work here?


Seems the request is blocked by your forum. Maybe the steps for troubleshooting oneboxes help you

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thanks @Moin. let me check my csp policy

this CSP configuration was missing to allow embedding

  1. frame-ancestors 'self' https: * - Allows your content to be embedded in iframes on any HTTPS site
  2. frame-src 'self' https: * - Allows your site to embed content from any HTTPS source
  3. embed-src 'self' https: * - Allows embedded content from any HTTPS source
  4. child-src 'self' https: * - Fallback for frame-src in older browsers

If this is correct


still not working

Looks like you have some check running which is blocking system/bot access?

That’s probably blocking access to the code that’s preparing the onebox.

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CF Waf would that be the cause?

Maybe you can permit Discourse and Discord user agents amongst other popular options?

Looks like your rules are working ! :wink:

You will need to open them up for this to work I believe.

There are probably well trodden standard rules people use for Discourse instances and Discord to permit their previews.

There’s a Cloudfare Discourse. Perhaps ask there?


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before going there do we have to put anything here

this is nothing to do with your Discourse instance’s settings.

you are blocking other systems seeing your content with your CF setup.


thanks for your input. will get back if i can solve it. I had your plugin but sadly couldn’t utilize it.

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Oh let me know on the plugin topic if you have any issues that I can help with :slight_smile:

sure. once i solve this issue i will take a shot at you your plugin. it looks cool. thanks, by the way
@Moin thank you buddy.

See you guys around

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one request: if you do get a good answer from the CF community, perhaps you could link it here?


Sure i will. Some can benefit from

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Hurray!!! @merefield @Moin

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