Link-image not shown

Hey folks,

I have two problems:

  1. When I post a link, the image of that link is not shown in my post. But it`s shown in the draft of that post. So, what happens here and how can i fix it?

Thanks and kind regards!

i tried it on my site. it works. maybe your issue is about CSP.

try dev console to understand what blocks it.

Okay, thats weird. I tried 3 Browsers and changed my connection and it had never been shown here on my devices. Is there a setting in Discourse that affects this? I tried other Websites and it reproduces every time.

Screenshot 2024-06-16 at 04.01.55

check here. it may help you.

No solution, I have the standard-settings. I tried to disable it, but no solution.

check onebox settings.

Everything is on default.

do you think it is, because i cannot update my discourse?
I use version 1.3.1.

not sure main reason is that but i recommend you update your discourse. Yours is very old.

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I really would like to do, but dont know how.
When i try, it ends in a 502 Bad Gatewaay, because my chat-plugin seems to be broken. I already tried to disable it and update then, but nothing works. I`m not a developer to understand things like console, commands and so on :confused:

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Thanks a lot. I already read that and I am toooooo dumb!
I don*t know where to paste this command. When I do it in my terminal, nothing happens. And When I try to Choose another Version of my Discourse on that Server, the Bad Gateway kicks in.

open your terminal

then paste these one by one.

sudo -s
cd /var/discourse
./launcher rebuild app

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so you should find your discourse path.

it is not in /var.

The support Team from my provider fixed the image with the chat-plugin and now it runs on the latest version.
Image not shown in posted Oneboxes.

This seems to be another issue with your non-standard install. I definitely advise moving over to a standard install if you want to avoid these problems.

Otherwise you may need to get assistance from the people who created that one-click image.