Embedding chat in another webpage?

I’d love to chime in here. In my case, we manage a community for developers who use our platform. In February of this year, we decided our first developer conference would likely have chat embedded next to the stream exactly like OP is describing.

We would also want to allow staged users to chat too, FWIW.

My team manages our internal hackathon, so we did a POC and used Discord and WidgetBot to embed the chat in the page and it was incredibly well-received. Now that we’re putting on our developer conference, we’d really love the holistic experience of embedding the chat from our community directly into the stream.

This way, their chat carries over and it would be a great way to introduce them to the new chat. Unfortunately we’re building the stream page in two weeks, so I’m guessing we’ll have to use Discord this time around.

@mcwumbly you mentioned sharing a mockup, so here’s our mockup that we made for our UX team to design:

Ideally the chat window would contain the interface to type, obviously the interface to see the chat, and some way to switch between channels.

I have a lot of thoughts on this…