Emoji Fluff

Strange it is working today with no changes. Save also updated discourse last night.

Thanks for looking into. Great component. I wonder if it might allow these effects in reactions. :wink:


I had the thought, It might be possible, will see! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


with discourse 3.4.1, it works in auto-complete, but does not work in the emoji picker. does not work in chat eitherā€¦
wonder if someone seeing the same issue ?

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Unfortunately, it requires a recent version of Discourse to work in the emoji picker and chat.

To make it work, you need to change Discourse from stable to tests-passed branch or wait for the changes in core to be available in the stable version.


thanks @Arkshine confirmingā€¦
(will check out your code, if could make it work for my versionā€¦)

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You need this emoji-picker-filter-container plugin outlet to be available, to make it work in the emoji picker: Emoji Fluff - #13 by Arkshine .

As for the chat support, itā€™s relying on a change in core that unifies both chat/forum emoji picker, it will be difficult to support it on your version.