Emoji Fluff

:discourse2: Summary Adds optional variations or animations to emojis.
:eyeglasses: Preview Preview on theme-creator.discourse.org
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/arkshine/discourse-emoji-fluff
:open_book: New to Discourse Themes? Beginnerā€™s guide to using Discourse Themes

Install this theme component

:information_source: This component requires Discourse to be current as of 2024-11-26T23:00:00Z. [1]


Emoji Fluff allows users to put mirrored or animated emojis in their posts.
It allows users to post fancy emoji work such as:

flexing emoji

You can choose these decorations from the emoji autocompletion pop-up, from the emoji picker, or by appending keywords directly after the emoji shortcode:

Examples: :bike:f-slide , :smile:f-bounce

Horizontal and vertical flips can be combined with other decorations.


  • :horse:f-slide,flip:
  • :spider:f-float,flip_v:


Available emoji fluff

Fluff list

How to add fluff to an emoji

From the emoji autocompletion pop-up

fluff autocompletion

From the emoji picker

Fluff emoji picker

By typing manually the fluff suffix

Fluff suffix


  • Horizontally or vertically mirrored emojis

  • Animated emojis (bounce, rotate, pulse, etc)

  • Setting to choose which emoji decorations should be available to users

  • Setting to choose inserting a decorations selector in autocomplete or emoji picker.

  • Allow admins to create new fluffs


Setting Description
enabled Turn on or off the componentā€™s functionalities.
Default value: true
Disabling will prevent the emoji decoration from being applied.
This is useful if you want to pause or plan to remove the component but donā€™t want to see the decoration code, such as :slightly_smiling_face:spin:, in posts.
For more information, check out Reverting emoji decorations in the topic.
allow decorations List of allowed decorations.
Default value: flip|flip_v|spin|pulse|bounce|wobble|float|slide|fade|negative|hue|gray
allow selector in Where the fluff selector should be available.
Default value: both
none ā€“ disable the selectors.
both ā€“ enable the selector in the autocomplete and the emoji picker.
autocomplete ā€“ enable the selector only in the autocomplete.
emoji-picker ā€“ enable the selector only in the emoji picker.

:earth_africa: Additionally, the theme component strings are translatable from the settings.

Reverting emoji decorations

If you disable the component, these suffixes remain, resulting in emojis like this: :smile:f-spin:

Due to theme component limitations and design choices, we add straightforward suffixes to emojis to give them these decorative effects. The fluff prefix f- helps identify these decorations, making them easy to remove through the script available below.

You can download and run a rake task to remove fluff suffixes definitely from posts.

wget -P lib/tasks/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Arkshine/discourse-emoji-fluff/refs/heads/main/tasks/fluff.rake
rake fluff:delete_all

:information_source: The rake task doesnā€™t create post revisions by default. You can add false as an argument to change this behavior: rake fluff:delete_all[false]

Read Administrative Bulk Operations for instructions on entering the container to run the rake task.

:warning: Always make a backup before running this task. There is no guarantee that it wonā€™t remove unwanted strings. Use it at your own risk, and review the code if in doubt.

Creating your fluffs

Fluff creation requires CSS knowledge.

When a fluff is added to an emoji inside a post, the emoji is wrapped by a <span> tag with a fluff class:

<span class="fluff fluff--bounce">
  <img src="https://your.discourse.com/images/emoji/twitter/kangaroo.png?v=12" title=":kangaroo:" class="emoji" alt=":kangaroo:" loading="lazy" width="20" height="20" style="aspect-ratio: 20 / 20;">

Add custom CSS to your theme or a new theme component to add new fluffs.
Here are two examples of new fluff:

Tilt 90Ā° an emoji

Emoji tilt

.fluff--tilt img {
  transform: rotate(90deg);

Do a 3D spin effect

Emoji 3D spin

.fluff--spin3d img {
  animation: f-spin3d 2s infinite linear;

@keyframes f-spin3d {
  0% {
    transform: perspective(50em) rotateY(0deg);
    filter: brightness(1);
  50% {
    transform: perspective(50em) rotateY(90deg);
    filter: brightness(0.85);
  51% {
    transform: perspective(50em) rotateY(91deg);
    filter: brightness(1.15);
  100% {
    transform: perspective(50em) rotateY(180deg);
    filter: brightness(1);

Then, you need to add the fluff suffix in the Emoji Fluff allowed decorations:

Thatā€™s all; your new fluffs should now be available to users. Enjoy!


  • @Canapin: Original idea, general help preparing and testing this TC.

  1. To be precise, TC requires at least a Discourse version after October 30, and specifically the support of emoji picker, a current version as of 2024-11-26T23:00:00Z (thanks to the team for adding a plugin outlet a few days ago!) ā†©ļøŽ


haha this is awesome! trĆØs bien! :star_struck:


I have a feeling that it conflicts with this component Omit Emoji component causing the UI for the one that selects the emoji to not show the componentā€™s magic wand


I donā€™t use that component, but Iā€™m using iPad and drafting has done that couple times now ā€” Iā€™m writing a help for users. Publishing fixes it.


This is amazing! Well done!! :star_struck:

(small nitpick, would ā€œnegativeā€ be a better description than ā€œinvertā€?)


Did you update Discourse? You only receive a notification to update when a new beta is released, but new commits are added every day.


Thanks! :smile:

Youā€™re right; it has been renamed now!

As stated by Moin, you will need to update Discourse.
I looked at the Theme component code and tested it; once you update Discourse, they should work together without issues! :+1:


Hi, I can no longer see the option to add the Emoji Fluff component. Is it still supported?

1 Like

Iā€™ve pushed a partial fix to make it work with the latest Discourse version. However, this fix only addresses the autocomplete feature. :slight_smile:

Currently, I am unable to resolve the issue with the emoji picker. Recently, the team has unified the emoji picker with the chat in DEV: unifies emoji picker by jjaffeux Ā· Pull Request #28277 Ā· discourse/discourse Ā· GitHub. Unfortunately, the plugin outlet in the emoji picker footer, which was previously used to insert a toggle, has been removed in the new version. At this moment, I do not have a solution. Sorry for the inconvenience! :pray:


PR a new one? I believe they welcome such things?


Yes, I will!

Iā€™m still thinking of possible alternatives.
If you look at the new emoji picker, a few spaces are available. You probably donā€™t want to cut the placeholder text, but this is the only space that makes sense:

It might be okay for one icon. But I feel like making a plugin outlet here doesnā€™t seem reasonable. :smile:


Great fun!

Stretch goal:

3D animation :wink:


To answer this, I did here:

One of the good things about the unified emoji picker is that Fluff will work with chat!

The image shows a chat message at 2:20 PM from a user named "arkshine" containing an Easter egg and a grinning face emoji. (Captioned by AI)

Hopefully, the PR will get some attention!

By 3D animation, do you mean pure CSS with 3D transformation?
Like that:
The image displays a screenshot of a text formatting interface with a highlighted shortcut command for horizontal flipping of an image, accompanied by an emoji with a neutral expression. (Captioned by AI)


No, I meant a fully 3D effect of someone shaking their head which of course is not trivial.

Possibly better addressed by using stickers?


More like that then?



Oh, @merefield, I see what you mean by Plugin for animated stickers!

I guess that would be out of the scope for this TC. It would not be easy to find the 3D version of every emoji.

I really like the falcoā€™s sticker idea!


The TC has been updated to make it fully compatible with the latest Discourse version.

This adds chat support as well!

A screenshot of a messaging platform interface displaying a blank white area with a "Chat in #Staff" button and textbox at the bottom. (Captioned by AI)


Create new TC ,ā€˜Emoji-fluff Extrasā€™ and added your 2 new fluff effects

Added the spin3d and tilt to allowable emoji fluff list. The sample new emoji fluff is not working. Added the CSS to common in the custom TC. Ensured to added to all themes.

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If you added, for example, tilt to the setting, and the fluff is not working, itā€™s most likely the CSS is not available unless you made a typo. Can you check again your CSS?

(I wanted to look at your forum but canā€™t log in. I donā€™t get any email and canā€™t even log in with Steam (for some reason, it still asks me to check my email))

1 Like

I have activated your account

Will have to look into the email sending. You would need to have an account before being able to add steam login.

The CSS was copied using the quick copy on your code blocks.

All zi did with tilt was to clone it twice changing it to ā€œtilt45ā€ & ā€œtilt90ā€. ā€œspin3dā€ no changes

Emoji fluff setting

Emoji-fluff extras CSS content in Common

.fluff--tilt45 img {
  transform: rotate(45deg);
.fluff--tilt90 img {
  transform: rotate(90deg);
.fluff--spin3d img {
  animation: f-spin3d 2s infinite linear;

@keyframes f-spin3d {
  0% {
    transform: perspective(50em) rotateY(0deg);
    filter: brightness(1);
  50% {
    transform: perspective(50em) rotateY(90deg);
    filter: brightness(0.85);
  51% {
    transform: perspective(50em) rotateY(91deg);
    filter: brightness(1.15);
  100% {
    transform: perspective(50em) rotateY(180deg);
    filter: brightness(1);

Note Email sending issue identified. I am over my 300)day limit by just over a 109. Will have to soon enough upgrade to a paid plan. Thanks for the heads up

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Did you fix your issue?

It is working for me:

The image shows a screenshot of a text editor with the topic title "XR Hardware" entered and an emoji of a smiling face next to it. (Captioned by AI)