Enable solved plugin for groups

Is there any way we could get a per group option for enabling this plugin? It currently only lets you set it per category, or on for everything. We would like to be able to just use it in certain groups, without having to enable it everywhere.

Asking questions is usually a category specific activity, what’s the benefit of having a select number of users able to mark solved across all categories?

If a category has solved enabled then staff can already mark the answer within any topic.

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Sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear. We want to be able to mark answers in group messages, not allow a certain group to mark answers in categories. We’re planning to transition a number of administrative mailing lists into discourse as groups, and we would like to allow members of the group to use this plugin to easily track solutions in the group inbox. If we enable ‘allow solved on all topics’ this does work, but obviously it also enables it everywhere else, which we don’t really want to do.

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To clarify, you want to enable solved in PMs?

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Yes, but only in PMs for certain groups. It is already working in all PMs with ‘allow solved on all topics’ enabled, but we would like to be able to narrow that down.

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This is not possible or planned at the current time.