Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory on upgrading

Gotcha, yeah seemed to be the same error as I reported yesterday (from upgrading a different forum) so figured it was the same thing here, but maybe there are a couple different errors.

Here's my output from running 'docker images' just now (after rebuild)
REPOSITORY            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
local_discourse/app   latest              5e19cae035fb        2 hours ago         2.79GB
discourse/base        2.0.20191013-2320   09725007dc9e        7 weeks ago         2.3GB
<none>                <none>              a2d7facd2177        3 months ago        2.62GB
discourse/base        2.0.20190901-2315   10f636afbeaf        3 months ago        2.29GB
<none>                <none>              0f97a7329641        6 months ago        2.3GB
discourse/base        2.0.20190505-2322   ed87227f60d2        7 months ago        1.91GB
<none>                <none>              fbd01a7c0342        9 months ago        2.27GB
discourse/base        2.0.20190217        9c24db193c37        9 months ago        1.92GB
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