Error Log Missing

Hi, I created an error log to see an issue I was facing that, users are being randomly removed from the discourse groups even though their specific membership is active but I am unable to see the error in any logs, can you guide me where I can see the log and where the log is created?

I am using discourse SSO integrated with WordPress, using the discourse wp plugin, and also a basic member of the Discourse, so discourse is hosting all of our files.

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Hey @tanveerJF,

It sounds like you’re experiencing the same issue you reported a few weeks ago?

Note that the WP Discourse Logging system currently only covers publication errors, as noted in the Log Panel. We’ll be adding logging for SSO errors soon, which may help you, however as your issue is more of a WooCommerce one, it may not.

Logging is not yet available for all functionality. Please see WP Discourse Setup for details.

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