Error response from daemon: Cannot start container app: container already connected to network bridge

I’m sure this is something dumb and I should know better but I’d appreciate it if someone could throw me a bone.

I’m running Discourse in Docker through Digital Ocean and can’t start the app. The message I’m getting is:

Error response from daemon: Cannot start container app: container already connected to network bridge
Error: failed to start containers: [app]

I’ve been running this instance of Discourse for a while. Actually I don’t know what caused it to stop working. I noticed the forum was down and tried to restart and that brought me to this point.

I am running SSL via Lets Encrypt. That’s the only complication I can think of.

Other than Discourse, nothing else is running on this droplet.


What OS and version? What version of docker? Did you try rebooting? Did you try installing OS updates?


Thanks for picking this up. I realize I could have done a better job explaining the situation, but this gives me a place to start.

The OS: Ubuntuu
The version: 15.10
The version of Docker: 1.9.1

I did try rebooting (everything): The application, the web server, the container, the host OS (not all at the same time).

I hadn’t tried installing updates because it was working as-is and I didn’t want to complicate the situation. But I can do that.

I just did. It works. Case closed. Sorry and thanks for the help. Sometimes you just need a kick in the pants I guess. :slight_smile:

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