Feature Request: Banned Users Prevent Promotion

Would it be possible to prevent users who have been banned (at any point in time) from being able to be promoted beyond regular user?

It seems like a logical decision considering that a user who has caused enough problems for the community wouldn’t be fit for any handling of powers.

If they’re banned then how would they even be on and using the forum in the first place?

This is meant for users who aren’t permanently banned. After the ban, they continue being able to be promoted to leader/trust level 3.

So by “Banned” you mean temporarily Suspended?

I’ve seen long-time members that were good “go bad” and I’ve seen problem members “go good”.
The exception, true, but some people can change their ways.

I think if the promotion could be put into some type of Mod approval it could work.


That makes more sense than just going on as if the suspension never happened.

I was just thinking, this may be moot.

To get to TL3 one of the criteria is

must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)

If this is an “all time” count as opposed to an “in the past __ days”, once a member has gotten 5 Flags they will never make it to TL3

@codinghorror is this the case?

From what I recall, yes it is the case and it simply means you need 5 posts, 1 flag on each post from 5 different users.

If a user is blatantly posting negative content, it may never reach 5 flags before a moderator/administrator suspends the user. Which is primarily why I thought it would be a good idea for this behavior to exist in the first place.

All out tests only look at the last 100 days.

I think this is over complicating stuff for no real reason. If you ban a user they can not log in, they have no read times, they probably got flagged and so on. Not sure why we also need to check this and there is a rare yet real occasion of “self bans” (using site too often need a break) so we would need to look a ban disposition. ugh.