Feedback on my forum

I was wondering what more I could do to my website to attract people to JOIN the Community?
Any ideas appreciated.



You could try customising your site by creating a theme or finding one in the theme category.

I also think you’d benefit from using tags for example in your metal detector category. This is because a lot of categories can seem intimidating to new users.


Welcome to the fantastic world of community management! :slight_smile:

There is a lot of things you can do, I suggest you start by spending some time reading these blogs!

  1. FeverBee ( I find their blend of psychological insights and practical advice invaluable, no matter your experience level. Richard Millington tells it how it is and isn’t afraid to ruffle some feathers to question the status quo.
  2. CMX ( This site offers a wealth of information for community professionals, especially those who are just getting started. From strategy to engagement tips—ideal for growing a thriving community. They also run the premier Job Board for community professionals: Jobs
  3. Rosieland ( is Rosie Sherry’s comprehensive resource hub and community for community builders. She’s the real deal, a community-builder-turned-strategist giving battle tested advice.

That’s not a platform problem, it’s a community positioning problem

I would start with a few questions

  • Which problem are you solving with your community?
  • Do some people feel this problem?
  • Where are these people?
  • Why do you think that they need a community?