Filtering out edit notifications

Hello discourse,

I moderate quite a large forum and I get too many notifications, and I’d love to filter some out.
When I comment on a thread I’ve set my notifications to alert me to any reply to the post because I don’t want to miss out on valuable user feedback, but I’d also like to avoid notifications I don’t need. I could not find an answer when searching, so apologies if I missed an existing topic, I’m quite new to moderating discourse.

Mostly, I’d love to filter out “edits” as I don’t really care if a post was edited, especially when 99% of the time, the edit is “unhandled” → “handled”.

These ones

Kind Regards,


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I’m quite sure this isn’t possible, but you can look solely at replies in your notifications by clicking the reply icon in the notifications sidebar.


I’ll take it, thanks so much!


Happy to help!

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