Fixes to the Sign Up Process

Hi, I have the following suggestions for the Sign Up process.

  1. When the sign-up form is long, the lower questions get hidden and there’s no scroll bar that allows users to get to those lower questions. Would it be possible either to display all questions with Create New Account at the end of the form OR to put in a persistent scroll bar?

  1. When someone clicks on “privacy policy” or “terms of service”, the page opens up in the same tab. If the user then uses the back button, all of their information on the sign up form is lost. Please open the privacy policy and terms of service in a new tab by default.

  2. To activate their account, a user needs to click the link in their email, then the blue button that appears. Could this process be simplified so that all the user needs to do is click on the link in their email?


That can’t be done because some email providers visit every link in emails before sending those, which made we create this button workflow.


That’s a very good idea, I made that the change just now. Unfortunately it is technically a copy and therefore a translation change for all languages

disclaimer: "By registering, you agree to the <a href='{{privacy_link}}' target='blank'>privacy policy</a> and <a href='{{tos_link}}' target='blank'>terms of service</a>."

As others pointed out, #3 is absolutely required because email clients and “helpful scanners” will visit every link they see in email.

I believe @awesomerobot has addressed #1 in the past, it’s kind of OS specific, some operating systems suppress scroll bars heavily these days.