FKB Pro - Social theme

With FKB Pro and using a link, not buttons by Discourse?

I should tell everything right away… I know, I’m a bad person :man_facepalming:

  • Category lockdown plugin is in use random visitors
  • locked topics are using icon… damn, how can I use those here… well, user-secret (or something, that trenchcoat icon
  • clicking such topic will redirect to /login
  • FKB Pro gives just spinning icon (but it isn’t default right now for obvious reason; after 15 secs it is :wink: )
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Yep, it works for me with clicking secret topic and using link too. :slightly_smiling_face: This theme isn’t do anything with these modals only some css modification. Maybe there was just a network lag or something like that? :thinking:

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I have decently fast connection, so I don’t believe on lag. But you were using bigger screen. I tried older iPhone and it worked as expected. That means the issue is my iPad.

Strange. Well, hate to say this :wink: but tablets are so rarely used up here, and those closed topics have even lower click rates so I would say… let it be :rofl: It works mostly and that is enough.



Hello, the theme is very successful. If it is made to use the theme as social media, I think you need to overhaul it a little more. There is no need for categories on the social media site, I think it will be better if you make them invisible, thank you for sharing and development.

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Hello, when I close the side menu, the page is broken, why?

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I think it’s doing it from the browser, I deleted the history, there is no problem, it works very well.

I have another question, there is an icon in the login button, but there is no icon in the register button, how to add an icon to the register button?


I would like to hide view counts at topic cards, and I bet asking here is the fastest and the most reliable way to get a right answer :wink:

Another solution would be hiding totally that box containing likes and views.

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That is great if it’s work :slightly_smiling_face:
I think you got the answer here: Add icon to register button - #2 by Lilly

You can do it with some CSS.

Hide views.

.topic-list {
  .main-link {
    .link-bottom-line {
      .views {
        display: none;

Hide likes and views.

.topic-list {
  .main-link {
    .link-bottom-line {
      .views {
        display: none;

(post deleted by author)

You have to create a new theme component where you can add the modifications you want like this :arrow_down_small:

Ok, I got the code shown, but when we enter the default theme, we can reach the css code part from there, there is no that option in your theme, where can I get it?

I believe Don already answered this question when you asked it previously in the post you deleted. To make changes in addition to the theme, you would need to create a theme component and attach it to your theme(s). There are more detailed instructions in the post Don linked above.

This doesn’t appear to be a question regarding this specific theme though. For more general questions you should use the other topic you created. :+1:


Hello, but I want to find the header part of the theme, not to install components.

How do I get to the header of this theme?


You can’t edit directly a remote theme since Restrict editing of remote themes.

Instead of editing it directly you can create a new component what you can attach to the theme.

I assume you want to add an icon to the header signup button.

Follow these steps to achieve it:

  1. Go to /admin/customize/themes/
    Customize → Themes

  2. Click the Components tab and then the Install button

  3. On the popup window click Create new button and type the new component name.
    Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 8.53.07

  4. Click Create button.

  5. The component created. Now select FKB Pro theme to activate it.
    Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 19.04.28

  6. Click the Edit CSS/HTML button.
    Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 19.05.17

  7. Click the Header tab and paste the below code to that section.

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8.13">
api.reopenWidget("header-buttons", {
      tagName: "span.header-buttons",

  html(attrs) {
    if (this.currentUser) {

    const buttons = [];

    if (attrs.canSignUp && !attrs.topic) {
        this.attach("button", {
          label: "sign_up",
          className: "btn-primary btn-small sign-up-button",
          action: "showCreateAccount",
          icon: "user"

      this.attach("button", {
        label: "log_in",
        className: "btn-primary btn-small login-button",
        action: "showLogin",
        icon: "user"
    return buttons;
  1. Click Save

Ok, now I understand, it’s very detailed, thank you very much.

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Hi friends,
is the default theme better than the TKP Pro theme, which do you think is more convenient in terms of seo? I am currently using the default theme.??

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Matter of taste.

On my forum FKB Pro is default for users, but I’m using more simplifier theme, because I don’t need that much look.

For SEO there is no matter at all.


Hey @Diyorki,

Definitely, the default theme is better. Just think about default theme like a skeleton. You can customize it. So these themes mostly just add a skin to the default theme. If you want to your site looks like different or have other functions too you need a theme or theme-component. These themes mostly not changes any core feature which can cause seo damage. Hovewer it is possible to cause this kind of issue with simple css styling too but if you notice this kind of issue we can fix it. :slightly_smiling_face:

When you activate a theme and something wrong with it you can always switch back to the default theme. You can use themes as separate optional theme next to the default theme. So users can select from different themes but the site default theme is still be the default (light). :slightly_smiling_face:


I didn’t think you would reply so fast :grin: that’s why I love you

This is my website please let me know if you see any mistakes or errors :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello, Diyor ki :slight_smile:

You’re not using the FKB Pro theme, so your request might be quite off-topic here. :slight_smile:

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