FKB Pro - Social theme

using english translation, i think those are the category breadcrumb dropdown and category nav filter.

try this in common css of a component.

.category-breadcrumb {
    display: none;

#navigation-bar {
   li.nav-item_categories {
     display: none;

It’s ok, now it’s as I wanted, thank you very much, I’m glad you’re here

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I want to hide the categories from the side navigation menu, how can I hide it?

I have hidden all of them from the administration panel, but still the categories are visible. I want to hide the categories from the side navigation menu. I would appreciate your help, thanks in advance.

See also attached image:
This is the result from the up-scaling as seen on the dashboard.
The original one looks like this.

Is there a way to prevent this ugly up-scaling?



Welcome, Will! :blob_wave:

The issue lays here:

<div class="topic-image" style="background: url(;background-position: center;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: cover;"></div>

Remove background-size: cover;, or add:

.topic-image {
    background-size: auto !important;

in your theme or a new component if you can’t edit the component that creates these thumbnails.

edit: it seems your use this theme: FKB Pro - Social theme
I’ll move your topic in the dedicated topic. :slight_smile:


Thank you for the welcome and suggestion @Canapin.
And yes - this is the right theme.

As I’m a real newbie here:
I have no idea where to make this change.
Could you point me in the right direction?

Thank you - Will

Unless the author (Hi Don!) thinks it’s a welcome addition to change this, here’s what you can do:

  1. In your admin panel, go to Customize → Themes → Components.
    Click the Install button at the bottom of the list.

  2. Click + Create new, choose a name (like “Custom CSS”, “Theme tweaks”, anything that you’d like and is descriptive enough), and click Create.

  3. Include the theme component in the FKB Pro theme:

  4. Click Edit CSS/HTML, go to the CSS tab. Write:

    .topic-image {
        background-size: auto !important;

    Click Save.

That should fix your issue. :slight_smile:


Thank you - working as expected.

This is based on an override.
How about removing this background-size?
How would I do that?

I tried setting it to none.
But that just brings back the thing I was trying to remove.
If setting it to auto still increases the image - just in a different way.

The auto value is the default value, which is equivalent to having no specific background-size rule. :slight_smile:


Ah - ok - thank you for this jumpstart in customizing themes. :grinning:

Hello :wave:

Thanks for bringing this up! I’ve made an update on topic image (thumbnail) section. :slightly_smiling_face:

With this update I replace background with <img> and optionally a backdrop image can be added to this. The backdrop can handle the small image (which not cover this section) empty area. It works like a hacky dominant color background with the default settings.

I have added some new settings. With this setting you can choose the:

Screenshot 2023-08-12 at 10.12.16

  1. Topic image section height (default: 300px)

  2. Image fit

  • cover (default)
  • contain
  • scale-down
  • none
  1. Backdrop image (default: disable)

  2. Backdrop image blur

  3. Backdrop image brightness

This is how it looks:

Default (image fit cover, no backdrop)

Image fit contain

Image fit contain with backdrop

Difference between image fit (cover, contain, scale-down and none)

small image

larger image

Difference between blur and brightness values
50px, 25px, 10px

0.65, 0.55, 0.45

Edit: Forget to add the image fit none option.


Hello, I would like to point out some errors.

The following sensitivity issue appears on the users, groups and topics page (with a few posts).

desktop view only



It works perfectly on other pages as in the image below.

As I understand it, the cause of the problem is the category, title, content, etc. It happens on pages with little content.


Thanks for the report @vifyirusti :+1: I’ve fixed it, please update the theme :slightly_smiling_face:


We thank you. You are so fast.

I want to report one more bug.

The “Category” name of the posts under Latest, New and Top is not in the right place. (with Topic Ratings Plugin)

Kind regards @Don


Yeah I see, unfortunately I can’t test it now with the Topic Ratings Plugin but I think I know what is happening here. :slightly_smiling_face:

The Topic Ratings Plugin use this code for the link-top-line element.

It is shrinking the link-top-line in FKB Pro theme and this is why the category badge placed above the user datas because that is the width of the element byline which contains the category badge and user datas so this is depends on how width is this element.


Thank you, I’ve merged a fix. :+1: Please update the theme.

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joke? :heart_eyes: You are really fast. Thank you very much.


Hey just letting you know this is broken. Its at the bottom of any message.

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Hey @carltheobesecat, thanks for the report :slightly_smiling_face: I’ve fixed it. :+1:

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Lovely theme. Seems to have issues with the Kanban plugin forcing the right box out of the page borders

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