FKB Pro - Social theme

@Don For some reason I cannot get the “between topic” ads to center when using the official ad plugin. No matter what I do it seems to force it to the left. The “between posts” ads work great.

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Hello, I want to close the part in the screenshot or I want to remove it, how do I turn it off?


I don’t know but how would your users navigate then?

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I will only use it as a social network, so it doesn’t make sense to have it there, it would be better if there is no such option in any of the social networks, I think it would be better without it


those are the navigator bar filter links (nav pills) and you can hide them with CSS. but i’m not sure i would do that with this theme (i don’t use it) because it’s heavily modified and showing those links in mobile view. my forum’s mobile view (and Meta’s) doesn’t have them by default so it looks like those are there on purpose for this theme. @dodesz should be able to tell you if it is possible without affecting the theme in unintended ways.



Yeah, you can try something like this.


body[class*="category-"]:not(.archetype-regular):not(.archetype-banner) {
  .list-controls {
    .container {
      background: none;
      box-shadow: none;
      padding: 0;
      margin-bottom: 0;
      .navigation-container {
        &:after {
          display: none;
        .category-breadcrumb {
          display: none !important;
        #navigation-bar {
          display: none;

Thank you very much, it’s exactly what I wanted now


Hi, I am facing this issue when I hide my sidebar.

Sidebar is not hidden(It is showing perfectly)

Sidebar when hidden

This only happens when I am on the latest tab with the sidebar hidden and with other tabs it works perfectly fine.

Please help me with this.


When iPad is horizontally the sidebar (default one by Discourse) isn’t scrollable.

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Thanks! Works now.

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Hello @Don, Excellent theme and thank you so much. Is there theme settings to use FKB Pro theme on ONLY selected categories? When you click All categories, I can see List View (default discourse view). For example, Category A shows a list view (default discourse view), Category B shows FKB Pro theme view.

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  1. I use Discourse offical, Calendar Event plugin. I can create post with events and after created, plugin adds below screen into the post. Could you show event screen in the list page, so users can interact and click on Going, interested, not going buttons?
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Hello @Nihat_Demir :wave:

Thank for the kind words :heart:

Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately this is not possible with this theme.
I think you can use this Topic List Previews Theme Component instead of this theme to change the view per category.

I think this one possible with a plugin but not this theme. :confused:

How did you make embeds appear in posts in home topics?

Thanks for creating! Been playing around - looks really cool.
It seems there are a few accessibility issues though. Not big ones, mostly around the tags, photo and the contrast colors for var(–primary-med-or-secondary-med).

Any thoughts on this?

Thank you @Don

hello @Don
Thank you very much for your beautiful theme

How to keep and scroll comment form?
After opening the topic, How to setup this comment form Keep and Scroll on discourse, even when user is not logged in? Thanks everyone

Great theme!

Is there a way to only use one part of this theme, in particular, how posts are displayed in the “Latest” view? E.g.

Not sure if it’s my problem - but the FKB theme seems to be broken after a recent update to discourse

Hello, I have one more request from you. I want to hide the places I marked in the picture, how can I hide them on both mobile and desktop computers.

I struggled a bit, I couldn’t do it, I would be very grateful if you could help me, thank you very much in advance.

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