Flags can't be edited after they have been used

Currently, flags are not allowed to be edited after creation.

I understand that it should not be possible to delete them or change their meaning, after they have been used.

Is the editing of custom flags planned but not yet implemented?

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Definitely need this option added to the web interface.

To be clear since this was moved. I was not referring to Edit. But the option to have a flag trigger auto hide without using console rails.

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The way custom flags has been designed currently, it is still possible to edit them after they have been created. However, once they have been used they can no longer be edited. But they can be disabled and replaced with another flag.

There is a notice along these lines on the flag editing page:

Once a custom flag has been used, it can only be disabled but not edited or deleted.

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Could you elaborate, why further editing is not allowed?

Changing the description (for example for clarification) should not harm any behavior.


Likely similar to voting

It seems, there are two different views on this kind of problems: a) don’t change history b) let’s hack(improve) it, until it works.


It’s about consistency. For now there is no plan to change this behavior. So if you need to make a change to one of your custom flags after it has been used, you want to follow what that prompt says and disable the flag and create a new one.

Most sites do not need to make any changes to the flags at all - and for those that do the expectation is not that they will be changed much if at all once they are being used.

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Ok. So I will use the console to adapt the text.

We are using a flag “shares private information” while trying to educate users, not to answer publicly (mostly by mail), if they want to reach an author of a message.

In this process, we will have to adapt texts.

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But for

the limit of 50 flag reasons is not that much.

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What about using the option to add extra details after choosing flag? Similar to Something else flag?

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Then every person helping to keep the forum free of personal messages via flagging would have to write the educational text for the uneducated user, which will not happen.


That’s the power of open source! :fire:

But of course when you do that you are on your own and it may become harder for you to get support from us. But you know that already. We do recommend disabling and creating new flags instead of changing them via the console, once they have been used.

This is just a hidden setting and can be increased. Folks on our hosting that are bumping up against that limit can reach out to us to increase it for them. It will also be interesting for us to hear from customers about how they are using the custom flags and why they might be needing to make so many changes!

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Sounds like maybe need a plugin or something then to extend custom flagging.

Otherwise maybe template plugin with additional work of mod sending a pm…

Or alternatively maybe a custom automation script maybe for a pm?