Forumate - Native Discourse client for iOS

For everyone interested in this topic, you can give Forumate a look.

Just have time to build a discourse client myself recently. And it is incomplete and in an early stage. But if you are interested on it, you can join the TestFlight link to have a peek.


7 posts were split to a new topic: Meta discussion about forumate app and discord

Forumate client instantly crashes when selecting a forum @Kyle-Ye
I have provided a bug report using TestFlight’s built-in bug reporter.

Update: It sometimes works, sometimes crashes

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Thanks for the reporting. I’ll take a look at it.

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What’s new in 0.3.0 TestFlight version:

  • Resigned macOS icon to fit the platform (The old one just use iOS’s square icon)
  • Add Support section in Setting Tab where you can find Github issues and join Discord Server
  • StarterIntro update
  • [Bugfix] Fix watchOS black text color

And most of all, you can check the source code at GitHub - Kyle-Ye/Forumate :tada:


It doesn’t seem to work when you click on a category.

Note: I’m on iOS 17.


Yes, it is a known issue see Navigate to Subcategory Page · Issue #14 · Kyle-Ye/Forumate · GitHub.

I’ll try to fix it on 0.4.0


Thanks, I do have a few suggestions though.

Firstly, on the community add page:

  • I’d recommend using the Safari keyboard, which has the period and no autocorrect.
  • You currently have to add “https://”, which is more confusing when typing it in
  • If you enter an incorrect name, the error box seems to go away after half a second without me tapping anything.

Misc suggestions:

  • You could probably remove the markdown + HTML from the post previews + categories:

  • There seems to be no obvious way to login or interact with the community at all
  • WatchOS client is using watchOS 9 design language instead of 10

Besides all of my feedback, nice work! The watchOS client seems cool, I haven’t seen an app do that before, extremely useful.


I’d recommend using the Safari keyboard, which has the period and no autocorrect.

I’ll check the Safari keyboard issue when adding new community. But I am still a little confused on what you’d like to see. Could you help file a Github issue and we can discuss the detail on it?

You could probably remove the markdown + HTML from the post previews + categories:

Discourse API is returning a html version and raw text version. I choose to support html version using
Swift Regex so that user can tap the <a href></a>. Looks like there are missing cases causing the bug. Would you please file a bug and provide the discourse server url (If it was a public one).

My main test discourse servier is Swift Forums

There seems to be no obvious way to login or interact with the community at all

Yes. This feature is on schedule and is tracked via Account System Not implemented · Issue #3 · Kyle-Ye/Forumate · GitHub

It won’t appear on 0.4.0 and I’ll implement it before a public release of 1.0.0

WatchOS client is using watchOS 9 design language instead of 10

WWDC2023 OS release is just 2 days ago. Most of the development happens with Xcode 13.4 on watchOS 9. Give me a little more time, and I’ll support watchOS 10 on 0.4.0 (And I’ll drop watchOS 9 support soon on 0.4.0 or 0.5.0)


I hope to see something similar on the Android side :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing, I’ll check this out!

And then I share my thoughts, it looks more clear than official Hub and that’s really great for our audience experience.


And then I share my thoughts, it looks more clear than official Hub and that’s really great for our audience experience.

Sure because the official Hub uses Web Technology to build it while this app use native UIKit/SwiftUI to build it. And many designs refer to the previously unmaintained iOS discourse app - Fig.

I hope to see something similar on the Android side :slight_smile:

Yes, it is totally fine. The API wrapper and model is open sourced at GitHub - Kyle-Ye/DiscourseKit. We can easily use it and Compose framework to build such App on Android.


What’s new in 0.4.0 TestFlight version:

  • :warning: Update minimal supported OS to iOS 17, watchOS 10 and align-OS (Sorry for the drop. But I think most of you don’t need to update to a beta version. Just wait for the release of iOS 17 in September)
  • Fix AG crash on watchOS
  • Add localization support for Chinese
  • Add initial subcategory support
  • Add Recommend Community section

If you’d like to follow the latest news and update on Forumate, be sure to follow Forumate App on Twitter


Is this a white label app?


The supports all kinds of Discourse community.

But we can do some tweak to make it to be a white label app(eg. remove Communities column, add some featured assets and so on). If you are interested, please DM me for more detail.


Got an initial support on 0.4.0


If you had dropped support for the beta builds, then I won’t be able to use it. I don’t see the update though:


I’ve always thought that mobile apps are only needed to keep users on their platform and give them a positive user experience. For other cases, there is a browser. It’s just as strange if Amazon, Ebay and Aliexpress used a single mobile app. Or Facebook and Twitter
Basically, the web resources that I look at do not have a common platform


My internal team just got the latest v0.4.0 builds successfully.

And you can download the Notarized macOS binary directly via Github Release 0.4.0: Add WhatToTest in TestFlight · Kyle-Ye/Forumate · GitHub

As for other Apple Platform:
For external test build, Apple will need some time to review them just like when you submit it to App Store.

See more info at App Store Review Guidelines - Apple Developer


Sorry - I meant “I won’t be able to use it”, not “see”. That’ll probably explain it, I’ll have to wait before I get the beta update.

I don’t have a mac because I use my PC for a lot of gaming, so this won’t help.


Is it crashing in the background? I haven’t opened the app since I sent that message.

Update: it is always crashes no matter what, it just tried running in the background.