We have migrated a MajorDoMo Forum to Discourse. Quite a few of our members prefer to use the Mailing List Mode in Discourse.
A problem we have encountered is that some forwarded Emails are missing the actual Email content once in Discourse, only the title gets displayed in the created Topic.
In the past I would be able forward them myself (as admin) as I wasn’t having the problem but since the last update mine also get truncated.
Any help appreciated.
Could you provide more information such as mail clients in use, mail services, or even some examples? Steps to reproduce are essential here.
Unfortunately it seems to be inconsistent and difficult to replicate. A member of our forum reported it to me but every time I forwarded mails they arrived as expected, with title and content. Until this friday. I was using the MacOS Mail app, icloud email account, OS 10.14.6.
If you re-send one of the emails which were previously truncated does discourse fail to process the message every time?
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