Fresh install old Discourse version?

Regards to all,

Namely (don’t ask why) I need version v2.8.8 or v2.8.7 installed on a fresh system. Otherwise, on our main forum we use the latest, however, due to the need to test some plugins, we only need one of these two versions, how can we install the required versions from scratch?

Idea is to setup a fresh new (test) VPS and on that VPS install older version of Discourse.

Thank you.

Anyone have some idea about installation? :slight_smile:

If you are comfortable with Docker, you can get around by using an older container image and setting the version you want on the app.yml file, but we don’t support installing end-of-life installs, and they have numerous security issues and aren’t compatible with our latest current container image.


@Falco How to find what is equivalent image discourse/base for version 2.8.7?

Docker what is a right TAG version?

Try the discourse/base:2.0.20220720-0049.

It’s packed full of security issues, so keep in mind it’s completely unsupported-install and you must upgrade ASAP.


Yes, there are no problems, this is not a production forum, we literally need a couple of hours to do what we planned and put away.

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Hi, @Falco I’m trying to install the old discourse version for the same exact reason with @bXunter , but why the discourse wont starting? I’m already using this command ./launcher rebuild app --run-image discourse/base:2.0.20220621-0049,
the docker successfully started, but the app itself is not running when I access it. do you know why the reason?

to give you more context:
I just resized the droplet to have more memory, but its still doesnt work

am I missing something somewhere?

also this is the logs I can see atm by executing ./launcher logs app