Frontend on Prod Site Down -- Ember/Test error

My discourse instance front end is completely blank and wont load after the new upgrade. This is not a good thing, and I am a bit panicked as users are unhappy. Backend seems to be up.

This happened after the newest upgrade today, on a digital ocean droplet running a container. I used launcher to rebuild the app.

Any help is deeply appreciated

Console error reads:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'registerAsyncHelper')    at s.callback (vendor-suffix.js:58:1)
    at s.exports (loader.js:106:1)
    at s._reify (loader.js:143:1)
    at s.reify (loader.js:130:1)
    at s.exports (loader.js:104:1)
    at s._reify (loader.js:143:1)
    at s.reify (loader.js:130:1)
    at s.exports (loader.js:104:1)
    at s._reify (loader.js:143:1)
    at s.reify (loader.js:130:1)
    at s.exports (loader.js:104:1)
    at requireModule (loader.js:27:1)
    at n._prepareInitializer (app.js:24:1)
    at app.js:81:1
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at n.start (app.js:73:1)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (start-app.js:4:1)
    at discourse-boot.js:30:1
    at discourse-boot.js:31:1