Full hide of partial posts for role-playing game

Will be awesome if I will can encrypt part of public message for specific people.
I’m administrating StarWarsRP server, and option to hide part of message will be good.

Encrypting for a role playing game seems a bit … extreme… maybe you are talking about spoilers?


Spoilers are good thing, but anyone can see what’s inside. I need to protect part of message.

I searched for plugins for hiding, they are working not so good. Encrypt plugin may be better in that.
Even fully encrypted message will be a good thing.


I have publicly available “communication” channel. People are writing there RP info from game, but sometimes need to hide specific information for specific people. So, encrypt full message/part of message is good idea I think.

If they’re in different role “groups”, you could make multiple channels, and send group-specific ones in those.

Yeah this is solution too, but for our systems this will be worse than hiding contents of messages

You also mentioned “channels” in a previous response, are you using PMs or chat?

Oh, sorry. I made mistake, not “channels”, “subcategories”

Then this still wouldn’t work for your use-case (AFAIK), since this is for PMs, not topics in (sub)categories.

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This feature request is kind of similar. I suspect a theme-component could likely be made using in par @Firepup650 idea of groups.

I imagine you could likely goto marketplace and request a component that adds a kind of bbcode to hide content if not part of group. Ie if not game master display none.

While CSS could be manipulated to reveal in inspect element. I don’t imagine your hiding info that requires encryption

I agree with you, my case doesn’t require full encryption. But it looks cool, that’s all.

Thanks for sending me how I can create what I want. I will research that again.

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You’re quite welcome. I remember my days of tabletop RPGs. In a perfect game scenario players will play their characters to advance the story vs winning. Feel free to pm me if you want to talk more. So we’re not side tracking this topic. :wink:

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