Ability to hide content from subsets of users using BBCode

Developing a plugin allows users to hide content from other users by using BBCode.

  • Add the following BBCode to your post:
  • [LOGIN]content to hide[/LOGIN] : hides the content from the non-logged in users
  • [LIKE]content to hide[/LIKE] : hides the content until the user likes the post
  • [REPLY]content to hide[/REPLY] : hides the content until the user replies to the post

The first too seem pretty cool. Though the last one typically once the reply is posted it jumps the user to their reply. So they might not see the hidden content that is revealed upon creating the reply.

I would add option to hide from users not the Op that are not in a targetted group.

This request is similar iirc was for a Tabletop RPGs forum

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How could this even be implemented server-side, since anyone can see a post’s raw contents?

You would need a plugin I believe for server side

This looks like it should work but might need some fix ups

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Need this feature


I not really clear on how the hide details or spoiler functions don’t do this adequately. :thinking:

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Everyone can read text in “hide details” and spoilers. The request is to allow only logged-in users, or users who replied to or liked the post, to read this part of the post.

For example, you can share a discount code with your members in an announcement that everyone can read. At the moment, you would have to put the code into a different post in a different category.


Hidden Content Feature:

Use hidden code to conceal content, with the ability to set visibility conditions such as:

  1. Visible after reply - Content becomes visible when a user replies to the post
  2. Visible after login - Content is only visible to logged-in users
  3. Visible based on trust level - Content is visible to users who have reached a specific trust level

For example:
[hide] content [/hide]

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I think Show Spoiler Content on 'Like' is also included in this request


This is a similar request:


This one might get be harder/less useful in part.

As once you reply your taken away from the post your replying to. So the user would need to venture back to the post in question.

I do see value though in the overall feature request. For things like table top RPG type forums you might want to send a hidden message to a player or game master. For that purpose a theme-component can work as long as it is clear not to use for security sensitive info. For that a plugin would be needed.