Fine, I installed Lilly’s component and after having to change this setting it worked fine !
I’m glad that worked as a solution for you. However, that is not one of my components - it is the fine work of @Don
can the font size be adjusted in the display screen? if the message is long then not all of it shows on a mobile device.
can’t we redirect users to the original topic url, after logging/registering?
Great component and a very good start.
Some granularity would be useful, along the lines with options such as
- Allow full first post read, then *
- Allow X first post read,then *
- Allow X number of lines of content be read, then *
*show gated message
Perhaps some options to control the size and maybe even basic style of gate, like Height, maybe even width.
I am interested in same features! I am currently setting up a course on my WP instance which offers locking content for paid users via Wishlist member plugin.
Ideally I would like to use some kind of [gated group=premium]
shortcode to wrap the content to restrict it to only to specific group members.