Getting a 500 error on the mobile for bookmark and some category pages

I’m not sure what’s caused this all the sudden, but I am no longer to open the sites bookmark without a 500 error.

I’m able to get on it fine on normal Safari, but the bookmark feature will do that whenever I launch it.


I’ve been getting this recently on mobile when opening /categories yesterday and earlier this morning but I haven’t encountered the error again yet today (touch wood)


i suspect the team must be aware and doing something atm. i’m getting errors in mobile Safari iOS on a number of Meta pages, including category homepage and some topic list filter pages.

cannot repro any on my forum either.


It seems to only happen for logged-in users on mobile view (sending a request with cURL and a mobile user-agent doesn’t get an error)


Adding on to that, mobile view causes 500 errors on the categories page, announcements, documentation, and plugin at minimum. I’d check more, but that’s all in the default sidebar that seems to be an issue.


Someone reported a similar thing yesterday as well, but I couldn’t repro. :thinking: Has everyone tried a refresh?

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I’ve closed out of the app and reopened, same issue.

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I can reproduce the issue on mobile view, with and without reloading. I wonder why /categories.json fails to load, but only on mobile view…


Yep. A refresh typically seems to result in the “the software powering this forum had an error” page, and opening from within discourse just results in a 500 error. Using desktop view is fine, it’s just mobile view for some reason. Is there any plugin or theme component enabled across the categories I mentioned that could be causing an issue?

Does it occur in safe mode?

It does. I suppose it’s not a plugin then.


in mobile view safe mode

Safari iOS. with refresh. i had to switch to desktop view to get in


Okay, I can repro. :raising_hand_man:

I have logged in as a non-staff account and I’m seeing a similar thing. Let me see what I can find out.

Just for clarity:

I can’t seem to repro the initial report of the bookmarks though.

These are on Safari, and also Android/Chrome.


seems ok in chrome mobile now

but not Safari mobile view

maybe i broke Meta :upside_down_face:

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Im getting the same error, too, but it has something to do with today’s updates. not just on meta but my forum also has the same issue


@Lilly could you check if it works if you sign-in on Chrome? IIRC someone on a different forum earlier said it’s fine when you’re logged out. I can still replicate the issue while signed in on Chrome mobile (Android).

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now it’s only working for anon in chrome in iOS. when i login it’s the oops page. i was able to log in earlier. i’ve been on mobile a lot today. this is very odd.

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Thank you for reporting this bug. It was fixed with this PR

Could you please try again?


it seems to be working now @kris.kotlarek. just logged in both Safari and Chrome mobile and navigated successfully to various pages that weren’t working earlier. :slight_smile: :+1:

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Does this also sort out your bookmark issue @darkpixlz?