Group trust level

I created a group that grants TL3:

It has 10 members^

Why, then do I only have 2 members at TL3?


Is it because I added the TL effect to the group after the members were already in it (so the TL couldn’t be granted “when they’re added”)?


From my understanding yes. Any members in the group before you made the change to grant trust level 3 would need to be bumped manually


Which means… that if I remove them from the group I have to manually drop their TL also? :woman_facepalming:

When you remove someone from a group that grants a trust level it recalculates their trust level and sets it to what it would be without the group bump. :+1:

The trust levels are adjusted on both group add and group remove.

But unfortunately that does mean, currently at least, that anyone added before the extra trust level perk was set won’t be automatically granted it.


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