Noticed an issue with # autocomplete when composing a reply. Basically I start typing # in a context where I don’t want to tag something (e.g. #s) but even after hitting ‘space’, or several spaces, the autocomplete dialogue still shows and if I hit ‘return’ it autocompletes when I didn’t want it to.
Note: below Dropbox video link seems to not be displaying correctly as embed. Here’s the raw URL:
Use this
instead of this
(had already been reported by someone, now I can not find the related topic)
I mean I never said it was a major bug. Just reporting funky behavior / trying to be helpful. A space or a return should be enough to exit the autocomplete dialog. Of course do with it (or not) what you will If there’s some severity threshold for reporting stuff no worries but if so I didn’t know about it and I’m on here a lot!