#tags won't autocomplete at start of line

A minor issue: autocompleting of tags won’t work when the # is the first character of a line.


Not really a bug, but might be confusing if you are unfamiliar with markdown. Lines beginning with # means something in markdown, and it’d be weird if I saw a list of tags or categories every time I’m writing a header.

# a header renders to:

a header

You can add a space before the # as a workaround.


Well, the header requires a space between the # and the first character, a tag doesn’t. So technically there’s a difference, no?

Its a trade-off

  • Be really annoying out of the box when you try to create titles


  • Autocomplete for tags/categories

I see a minor feature request here which is fine for, when you are at the beginning of a line:

#b :arrow_backward: autocomplete appears.

So we basically wait one more char instead of totally giving up.


I understand it’s a minor feature request, but is this something that can be achieved somehow?

Tag autocompleting is a key feature in my community and users are just not linking to the tags because the autocomplete doesn’t show up in this specific scenario, and the post ends up with a bunch of #Wrong-Tag-Name.


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Certainly #pr-welcome for this refinement.


Hi everyone,

#tag suggestions and #category suggestions only work mid-sentence and never at the start of a new line.

For example, here’s a mid-sentence example that works: #po

And here’s a new line / start of line that doesn’t work, zero suggestions are offered:


I can’t seem to find any reference to it.

It provides a very mixed user experience.

Is this by design?

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Yes it is by design. As with conversations, you’d usually start with what you want to say then include a reference or link/tag some other conversation or material to it.

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Previously reported here:

It’s said to be a limitation caused by the heading markdown, usually when you’re starting a line with # that’s what you want.

However, I use tags extensively in my community and I’d like to target this eventually, users often mistype the tag they are trying to mention. @sam said it’s #pr-welcome (allowing the dropdown to appear when you type a letter after the #).


I didn’t realise there was a topic for this already, so I merged the conversation here.


It seems to be fixed with


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