I would assume this would be a simple task, but it’s not.
So when I installed Discourse, I only had the Dark theme. I want to have a Light theme, so I just exported the dark theme and then imported it (I believe that having a Duplicate button would make this easier and faster).
When I import it, even when I change the color palette to Light (Default), it’s still dark when I set the Light theme as the default, even after refreshing the page. I choose that users can change the theme, but there’s no option in the sidebar to change it.
Is your device/browser set to dark? Because if the system is configured to dark and you have configured the setting Default dark mode color scheme ID, the light theme will be overridden by the system preferences and the dark scheme will be applied
For example, I installed a new theme, and when I click the Preview button, I am able to see the new theme, but when I try the same with the theme I imported, it doesn’t change.
Is the Export > Import workflow the best way to duplicate a theme? Because maybe something is affecting it?