I am seeking to use Discourse to conduct an online version of a traditional formal meeting. These meetings have a legal requirement for Minutes to be recorded as a formal record of the proceedings of the meeting. I would like for a Topic and subsequent posts to become the permanent record of the Dialog. I would like for a Topic with a Poll to take the place of the formal Motion, Vote , Resolution process. But I am concerned by the ongoing potential for a Topic/Post to be edited.
I understand that a Poll can be closed to prevent further votes - great.
I understand that a Topic can be closed to prevent further replies - I am not so concerned about dialog after-the-fact because subsequent posts are timestamped
I understand that a Topic may be Archived to prevent a topic being deleted - good in my use case
I understand that a Topic may be Locked to prevent further edits - good in my use case.
But I remain concerned that Moderators and Administrators remain unrestricted by Archiving or Locking a Post. I expect that such edits are logged?
How best I achieve a permanent record of a Dialog on Discourse without manually creating a traditional set of Minutes, or perhaps freezing a topic into pdf - both unappealing alternatives.
Any thoughts most welcome.