How can I edit My Login Page

how can i edit my design of login page ?

There is for example Trendy Login to change the design


want to edit this design and change complete html of this .

How can i acieve this ?

also these topics may help


How Can i reach to page where Login Full code is written so that i can customised my Design Page and layouts

can you give me exact place where i will get the code to edit My login page or add home page before login page?

As already mentioned you could look at the source of Trendy Login to get ideas.

You can also use Inspect page source and iirc you can modify the page sources to test ideas to share me extent.

Need To open Login Model insted of login page. How to achieve it ?

Sounds like you have login required enabled? Turning that off will remove the login page. (Note that it also allows signed out users to see your site)

i need login required but i am getting in mint theme the login page, when i clcik on login cta it opens up the login modal . i want to access directly i dont want to show content of login page want to show login model when user comes

If login required is enabled, the login page is the homepage.

More info here:

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what if i want a customised home page hhow to achieve that ? and where to write code of it.

You have asked this before and I have answered you