Need to create good-looking front page with Discourse login option

Hello :wave:
Need to create nice-looking front page for my website ( now totally managed by Discourse instance.
I need to have a possibility to add text, photo, maybe video to the page. Have navigation menu to blog, DAO and edu part of site (they are based on sub domains).
Also need to have login to discourse option on this page.
Will appreciate any suggestions on how to do this in the most efficient way!
P.S. Droplet with Discourse based on Ubuntu on Digital ocean.

Maybe start with Brand Header

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@pfaffman thank You. This can be useful.
Will this header be available for non-logged in users on the login page?
Is there any plugin to customize front (login) page?
Or I need to integrate Discourse into Wordpress in some way?
Or any other solution? non-Wordpress…