Trendy Login

:discourse2: Summary Trendy Login changes the default design of static login page (/login) on login required sites and adds the ability to customize the page content via component settings.
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Install this theme component

Here are the available component settings:

Name Description
custom_bg_image Custom image link for background
custom_bg_color Custom color code for background
custom_bg_gradient_1 First color code for gradient
custom_bg_gradient_2 Second color code for gradient
login_header Main header content, allows HTML markup
login_subheader Subheader content, allows HTML markup
login_button_border Color code for border and login/signup buttons

:information_source: Note that the settings priority is in this order:

custom_bg_image > custom_bg_color > custom_bg_gradient_1/2.

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.


Hello. Does this still work? I tried it on my forum with the latest discourse version but it didn’t work?

Yes, it’s working for me on the latest version:

Do you see the default login page instead? Is the component enabled for the theme?

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yes the theme component is enabled and I still see the old login screen.

I know this is an old comment, but I’ve just started using this on a test site so I want to check in.

You must enable the login required site setting to get the static login page. Otherwise, as you noted, you can enable the component but you’ll still get the login modal rather than the trendy login.


Hello! I am trying this, but the login page has a large bar on the left side. How do I remove it? Thank you.


Does this make any sense?


Hello yes. I had that checked. It ended up being an add to the CSS.

.wrap {
    max-width: max-content;

Sorry, but I don’t understand your question.

The plugin description states:

To get the static login page you must require login. If you don’t and you hit the /login route, you get a login modal instead and this component is ignored.


I see, thank you, I was not aware of the difference.