How can I force users to fill in a custom field when it’s empty

Hello Discourse community!
I’m new to Discourse and trying to use my few ruby ​​knowledge. Thanks for your help !
Here is my project :
I created custom fields to get to know a new user better and now I want to update the custom field for old users.
I want to display my question at login if the field is empty.
If I understand Discourse correctly, I need to code a plugin.
Do you have a tip or an example in mind for this first challenge?
Thanks in advance !

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In rails console, i use

UserCustomField.where.not(value: [nil])

to find users who have already replied but for the rest I dry…
How to get users who haven’t answered the question?
Guess I’ll need to figure this out later.

Two suggestions:

  • Consider asking how to solve your problem (getting users to fill the in the field). The user wizard plugin might be a solution?

  • Move this to #dev and ask there. I think that it might be possible with a theme component if the values are in serializer.

For either, change he subject to something like “how can I force users to fill in a custom field when it’s empty”

I don’t have a very good answer, though. :person_shrugging:

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To that specific question, assuming that an unanswered question will be NULL in the database, you can just replace where.not(value: [nil]) with where(value: nil).

You can also use where(value: [nil, ""]), which is equivalent to WHERE (something.value IS NULL OR something.value = "") in SQL, to search for an empty string or NULL. I’m not sure which it’s likely to be or if it’s likely to change (from NULL to “”) if a user submits an empty field.

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Thanks @pfaffman. I will follow your advice. :+1:


Thanks @Simon_Manning for this precision. That will help me a lot !


This plugin is great. Thanks @pfaffman


Thanks again guys. Custom wizard plugin works very well :+1: